How our mindset can have a leveraging effect.
Our minds are tricky, yet extremely flexible, and so is our mindset. According to Wikipedia, “a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people that is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups, to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools. A mindset can also be seen as incident of a person's philosophy of life. For example there has been quite some interest in the typical mindset of an entrepreneur.”

Apart from what I learned the past 1.5 years (cfr previous free coaching tip), I chose to adapt those beliefs that were not helpful anymore and created new ones…
What beliefs did I develop over the last years that help me on a daily basis?
I’ve written them in a way that when you say them out loud, it will feel like you are saying them. Thus hoping they will also become yours and help you to create the path ahead.
I never assume, I always ask (because when you ass/u/me, it makes an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me). Some time ago I saw a picture stating ‘do you want something, or do you have questions, ask!’ I guess it relates to never making assumptions so I developed an inquisitive, curious mind.
I can handle whatever comes my way! (Susan Jeffers) Problems, challenges, change, fear, grief,… are all part of life. I acknowledge the fact when they are present. I don’t let them hold me back, but see them as opportunities to learn from and grow. It fuels my journey forward.
There is always another option, even if I don’t see it yet.
Choices I make are based on the no-loose model (Susan Jeffers) where each option is a win-win! Moreover, my choices are based on the fact that I believe I am making the best choice with all I have, know and am, at that moment.
My mind is a very powerful tool! My thoughts set my intentions. If I think I will fail, I am right. On the other hand, I can, because I think I can!
Wishing and waiting will not get me to my dreams. I am responsible so I need to take action! The law of attraction is great. Additionally, it will probably not work without any law of action.
I have to get out of my comfort zone to be able to develop myself. That is where the fun is, the new opportunities are, the magic happens, life really starts. Check out this video on 'do you dare to dream?'. Since this is only my second blog, I am way out of my comfort zone…
Everything is a learning process; it’s ok to make mistakes, laugh about them and then move on!
Call to action
Which beliefs help you on a daily basis?
How could above beliefs be supporting you?
Don’t hesitate to leave your comments! Looking forward to hearing from you!
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