Fear is actually a lie...
I work with many clients on how fear holds them back. Their fear shows up as excuses, complaints and the stories they tell themselves. I help them to realize that fear is never the truth.
There are a couple of common themes in how fear shows up. Fear of success or fear of failure are ones many people say holds them back. Both of these are actually a lie!

We are not afraid of too much success or that we might fail. We are really afraid of what people will think of us. If we have too much success, people might not like or love us anymore. They might think we've changed or we aren't a good person.
If we fail, will people think we are stupid or a loser? Will they think we are not able to be accomplished, or find us unlovable? We tell ourselves many stories around the fear of success and the fear of failure.
Fear is tricky this way. Many people avoid fear and believe what fear tells us. I am here to share with you that whatever you are avoiding - fear or success or failure - is exactly the thing you need to do! You see, I use fear as a guidance tool to what my next step is. The thing I fear the most is where the best success is!
Please don't misunderstand me. Fear isn't bad. Fear is only trying to keep us safe in our comfort zones. I teach my clients that fear is a signal that they are on track. The success you seek is outside your comfort zone and so fear is only doing it's job.
I want to close with one of my favorite quotes: "Fear is your soul's excitement." The more fear, the more excitement is being generated....you are just labeling it as fear.
Your goal is to shine your light. Shine it doing what you love! If you don't love what you are doing, either change what you are doing or find a way to love it. Be aware that when you shine your light, fear will come up. That's ok, remember, it's just your soul's excitement. By you shining your light, you unconsciously give others the same permission. What a wonderful gift!
So here's the question for you: What is the one thing fear is keeping you from doing? Please post your answer below.
Val Bullerman
for A-Lissome
About the author
This guestblog is written by Val Bullerman, a business coach that walks her talk.
Like many, Val struggled for a consistent flow of clients and did not charge her worth. By implementing the right strategies and mindsets, Val has created a “wildly” successful business and life she loves; traveling the world, coaching & speaking! She’s earned 6 figures in one year, a month and even in one day!
Val’s authentic passion to create confident and successful entrepreneurs shines through and drives her to provide a quality experience for her clients, empowering them to make fabulous money and do what they love.
She loves to share her proven strategies, tools and mindsets to create a LEAP in your life and business. Val is available for speaking, coaching and mentoring.